My insurance company denied my claim. Is there anything I can do about it?
Can I just ignore the lawsuit that I received?
Can I be sued personally if someone sues my business?
How can I protect my business before firing a difficult employee?
Can my Partner Open a Competing Business?
Real Estate Residential Purchase. What does it entail?
Whether purchasing your first home, second home, or a vacation home there are certain steps that take place when purchasing a property. First...
Title Searches For New Jersey Real Estate
When someone purchases real estate in New Jersey, the seller has a legal duty to provide the new owner with a clear title to the sold property. In...
LLC Owners And The New Jersey Revised Uniform Limited Liability Company Act
The New Jersey Revised Uniform Limited Liability Company Act, also known as the RULLCA, is a statute that governs limited liability companies (LLCs)...
Top 10 Landlord Legal Responsibilities in New Jersey
If you are a landlord or are considering becoming a landlord in New Jersey, you will have legal obligations related to your tenants. Being aware of...
Ultimate Guide to Buying a Business in New Jersey
If you are interested in buying a business in New Jersey, the experienced team at The Law Office of Jonathan Fleisher, Esq. can help. As you...
Pre-Closing Home Inspections
Buying a new home is exciting and this is especially so for first-time home-buyers or for those who are ready to close on a dream home. After...
Are Forum Selection Clauses Enforceable in New Jersey?
Many contractual agreements include a very specific “forum selection clause.” Forum selection clauses are provisions in a contract that designate...
What To Do If You Are Accused Of Corporate Fraud?
Anyone accused of corporate fraud should act immediately to protect their rights and reputation. Accusations of fraud are not something that can be...
COVID And Frustration Of Purpose
The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the ability of many businesses in the United States and across the globe to fulfill their contractual...
Understanding Breach of Contract Under New Jersey Law
A breach of contract occurs when one party breaches a contractual agreement, either on purpose or accidentally. Breaches of contract can prove...
Critical Steps If Your Business Is Facing Tax Evasion
Many businesses may try to skirt the universal fate known as taxes. While there are ways to avoid taxes legally – paying only your fair share and...
6 Reasons To Hire Outside Business Counsel
Legal concerns are always a concern, and business owners must decide whether or not to hire an in-house attorney or hire outside business counsel....
Valuing a Business When a Partner Wants Out
A business structure is often one of the most critical aspects of its success. A business partnership works for the types of industries that require...
The Importance Of Follow-Up And Oversight On Contract Provisions
You put time and effort into carefully negotiating detailed contracts. Each term and timeline gets carefully thought out and considered until each...
Premises Liability: Protecting Your Business Against Claims
Business owners face a double-edged sword. They need to open their business to the public, but doing so also opens their business to liabilities. As...
Navigating New Jersey Commercial Real Estate Law
At first glance, residential and commercial real estate transactions in New Jersey look similar. They both have an offer, title research, lender...
Methods For Preventing Contract Disputes
Contract disputes are expensive legal proceedings that most people can avoid. Preventing contract disputes starts when you form the contract....
Commercial Landlord-Tenant Laws In New Jersey
Disputes between landlords and commercial tenants arise every day. When you receive an eviction notice or are dealing with a tenant who is breaching...
9 Common Small Business Lawsuits
Opening a business always means taking on risks. Anytime a business holds itself open to the public and hires employees, it creates a risk of...
COVID And Small Business Lawsuits
COVID And Small Business Lawsuits It is an understatement to say that small businesses have struggled to survive the COVID-19 crisis. While the...
Is Your Small Business Prepared For A Lawsuit?
Litigation can be an expensive and lengthy process for small business owners, and it is important to consider both the possibility as well as the...
Arbitration Agreements Part 2
The absence of any language in the arbitration provision that plaintiff was waiving her statutory right to seek relief in a court of law renders the provision unenforceable.” This would seem to be a pretty big deal for future contracts.
Arbitration Agreements: Part 1
These often-conflicting principles are at the heart of nearly every dispute surrounding an arbitration agreement.
Realtor Questions
Suppose you’re a realtor showing a house to a client and while looking through the house, your client falls on a broken step and sustains serious...